Ian Stansfield’s address to the Supply Chain Strategy Group in Doncaster in February, when he highlighted using examples of how his former employer ASDA Stores was including logistics in its strategic thinking and planning, as customer buying patterns are changing rapidly.

“Is today’s Supply Chain a Competitive Advantage or just a support function” will be the theme of the SCALA Annual Logistics Debate on 6 July at Coombe Abbey in Coventry. A stellar line up of speakers Gavin Chappell Supply Chain Director of Dunelm Mill; Emma Ross, General Warehouse Manager at W M Morrison’s; Steven Thornton Director UK Logistics and Supply Chain Brita; John Tomlinson Supply Chain Director John West and Tiger Wang Ocean Group (China) will debate this key issue.

Logistics Leaders Network Members can access this event at the special rate of £95.00 plus VAT and in addition receive a full year’s membership of the Logistics Leaders Network absolutely free of charge.